publication venue for
- The role of the gut microbiota in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease.. 7. 2010
- GERD: GERD and insomnia-first degree relatives or distant cousins?. 7. 2010
- Biliary tract: Is there a role for neoadjuvant and adjuvant therapy in biliary cancer?. 9. 2012
- Gastric cancer: The gastric microbiota - bacterial diversity and implications. 2017
- Mycobiota-host immune interactions in IBD: coming out of the shadows. 2022
- Immunotherapy in colorectal cancer: rationale, challenges and potential. 2019
- Hepatitis E virus: advances and challenges. 2017
- The past 10 years of gastroenterology and hepatology-reflections and predictions. 2014
- Overlap of functional dyspepsia and GERD--diagnostic and treatment implications. 2013
- Techniques used to characterize the gut microbiota: a guide for the clinician. 2012
- IBS: An epigenetic perspective. 2010
- Anastomoses of the lower gastrointestinal tract. 2009