publication venue for
- Postural motor learning in Parkinson's disease: The effect of practice on continuous compensatory postural regulation.. 57. 2017
- Ankle muscle co-contractions during quiet standing are associated with decreased postural steadiness in the elderly.. 55. 2017
- Interactive effects of GPI stimulation and levodopa on postural control in Parkinson's disease.. 41. 2015
- The effect of simulated elbow contracture on temporal and distance gait parameters.. 41. 2015
- Foot Type Biomechanics Part 2: are structure and anthropometrics related to function?. 37. 2012
- Foot type biomechanics part 1: structure and function of the asymptomatic foot.. 37. 2012
- What triggers the continuous muscle activity during upright standing?. 37. 2012
- Effects of balance training with visual feedback during mechanically unperturbed standing on postural corrective responses.. 35. 2011
- The effect of foot structure on 1st metatarsophalangeal joint flexibility and hallucal loading.. 34. 2011