publication venue for
- Skin testing with food, codeine, and histamine in exercise-induced anaphylaxis. 1993
- Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia presenting as asthma: increased bronchial hyperresponsiveness in Pneumocystis carinii pneumonia. 1993
- Hyper-IgE and human immunodeficiency virus infection. 1988
- Hypersensitivity to common indoor aeroallergens in asthmatic patients.. 71. 1993
- Pattern of C3, iC3b, and C3d in patients hospitalized for acute asthma.. 68. 1992
- Skin prick test responses to codeine, histamine, and ragweed utilizing the Multitest device.. 65. 1990
- Honey bee venom specific immunoglobulin G4 in honey bee sting allergic patients and bee keepers.. 50. 1983
- A microtiter solid phase radioimmunoassay for total serum IgE.. 46. 1981