publication venue for
- Deep Learning vs Traditional Models for Predicting Hospital Readmission among Patients with Diabetes.. 2022. 2023
- Experiences of care delays and telehealth use during the COVID-19 pandemic among socioeconomically diverse cardiovascular patients and clinicians in an urban hospital.. 2022. 2023
- Impacts of Eligibility Criteria on Trial Participants' Age in Alzheimer's Disease Clinical Trials.. 2022. 2023
- A Study of Social and Behavioral Determinants of Health in Lung Cancer Patients Using Transformers-based Natural Language Processing Models.. 2021. 2022
- Multi-task deep learning-based survival analysis on the prognosis of late AMD using the longitudinal data in AREDS.. 2021. 2022
- Using Radiomics as Prior Knowledge for Thorax Disease Classification and Localization in Chest X-rays.. 2021. 2022
- Validation of Real-World Data-based Endpoint Measures of Cancer Treatment Outcomes.. 2021. 2022
- End user information needs for a SMART on FHIR-based automated transfer form to support the care of nursing home patients during emergency department visits.. 2020. 2021
- Evaluating Commercially Available Mobile Apps for Depression Self-Management.. 2020. 2021
- The Age Limit Does Not Exist: A Pilot Usability Assessment of a SMS-Messaging and Smartwatch-Based Intervention for Older Adults with Depression.. 2020. 2021
- Time-motion examination of electronic health record utilization and clinician workflows indicate frequent task switching and documentation burden.. 2020. 2021
- A principled framework for phenotyping postpartum hemorrhage across multiple levels of severity.. 2019. 2020
- An Interprofessional Approach to Clinical Workflow Evaluation Focused on the Electronic Health Record Using Time motion Study Methods.. 2019. 2020
- Considerations for Improving the Portability of Electronic Health Record-Based Phenotype Algorithms.. 2019. 2020
- Evaluating the Portability of an NLP System for Processing Echocardiograms: A Retrospective, Multi-site Observational Study.. 2019. 2020
- Towards Interpretable Skin Lesion Classification with Deep Learning Models.. 2019. 2020
- Ascertaining Depression Severity by Extracting Patient Health Questionnaire-9 (PHQ-9) Scores from Clinical Notes.. 2018. 2018
- Augmenting community-level social determinants of health data with individual-level survey data.. 2018. 2018
- Design and Implementation of a Secure Computing Environment for Analysis of Sensitive Data at an Academic Medical Center.. 2018. 2018
- Informing, Reassuring, or Alarming? Balancing Patient Needs in the Development of a Postsurgical Symptom Reporting System in Cancer.. 2018. 2018
- Interactive Cost-benefit Analysis: Providing Real-World Financial Context to Predictive Analytics.. 2018. 2018
- Multi-View Graph Convolutional Network and Its Applications on Neuroimage Analysis for Parkinson's Disease.. 2018. 2018
- The need for guidance and consistency in adolescent privacy policies: a survey of CMIOs.. 2018. 2018
- A Framework for Data Quality Assessment in Clinical Research Datasets.. 2017. 2018
- Measuring Workload Demand of Informatics Systems with the Clinical Case Demand Index.. 2017. 2018
- Secondary Use of Patients' Electronic Records (SUPER): An Approach for Meeting Specific Data Needs of Clinical and Translational Researchers.. 2017. 2018
- Expanding access to high-quality plain-language patient education information through context-specific hyperlinks.. 2016. 2017
- Improving risk prediction for depression via Elastic Net regression - Results from Korea National Health Insurance Services Data.. 2016. 2017
- Predicting Negative Events: Using Post-discharge Data to Detect High-Risk Patients.. 2016. 2017
- Predicting Prolonged Stay in the ICU Attributable to Bleeding in Patients Offered Plasma Transfusion.. 2016. 2017
- Standardized Representation of Clinical Study Data Dictionaries with CIMI Archetypes.. 2016. 2017
- A Graph Based Methodology for Temporal Signature Identification from HER.. 2015. 2015
- Organizational Uses of Health Information Exchange to Change Cost and Utilization Outcomes: A Typology from a Multi-Site Qualitative Analysis.. 2015. 2015
- Public Perspectives of Mobile Phones' Effects on Healthcare Quality and Medical Data Security and Privacy: A 2-Year Nationwide Survey.. 2015. 2015
- Smartphone Data in Rheumatoid Arthritis - What Do Rheumatologists Want?. 2015. 2015
- Adoption of clinical data exchange in community settings: a comparison of two approaches.. 2014. 2014
- Analysis of online information searching for cardiovascular diseases on a consumer health information portal.. 2014. 2014
- Applications of health information exchange information to public health practice.. 2014. 2014
- Clinical risk prediction by exploring high-order feature correlations.. 2014. 2014
- Exploring joint disease risk prediction.. 2014. 2014
- On Learning and Visualizing Practice-based Clinical Pathways for Chronic Kidney Disease.. 2014. 2014
- Scalable and High-Throughput Execution of Clinical Quality Measures from Electronic Health Records using MapReduce and the JBoss® Drools Engine.. 2014. 2014
- Towards drug repositioning: a unified computational framework for integrating multiple aspects of drug similarity and disease similarity.. 2014. 2014
- Exploring the relationship between drug side-effects and therapeutic indications.. 2013. 2013
- Implementation of a computerized patient handoff application.. 2013. 2013
- Method for the development of data visualizations for community members with varying levels of health literacy.. 2013. 2013
- Patient encounters and care transitions in one community supported by automated query-based health information exchange.. 2013. 2013
- Potential value of health information exchange for people with epilepsy: crossover patterns and missing clinical data.. 2013. 2013
- Using a health information exchange system for imaging information: patterns and predictors.. 2013. 2013
- A healthcare utilization analysis framework for hot spotting and contextual anomaly detection.. 2012. 2012
- An evaluation of the NQF Quality Data Model for representing Electronic Health Record driven phenotyping algorithms.. 2012. 2012
- Bridging informatics and implementation science: evaluating a framework to assess electronic health record implementations in community settings.. 2012. 2012
- Combining knowledge and data driven insights for identifying risk factors using electronic health records.. 2012. 2012
- Data-driven order set generation and evaluation in the pediatric environment.. 2012. 2012
- ICDA: a platform for Intelligent Care Delivery Analytics.. 2012. 2012
- Mining the human phenome using semantic web technologies: a case study for Type 2 Diabetes.. 2012. 2012
- Modeling and executing electronic health records driven phenotyping algorithms using the NQF Quality Data Model and JBoss® Drools Engine.. 2012. 2012
- Push and pull: physician usage of and satisfaction with health information exchange.. 2012. 2012
- An OWL meta-ontology for representing the Clinical Element Model.. 2011. 2011
- Analyzing the heterogeneity and complexity of Electronic Health Record oriented phenotyping algorithms.. 2011. 2011
- Developing an online and in-person HIT workforce training program using a team-based learning approach.. 2011. 2011
- Evaluation of the use of electronic health data to classify four-year mortality risk for older adults undergoing screening colonoscopies.. 2011. 2011
- How communities are leveraging the health information technology workforce to implement electronic health records.. 2011. 2011
- Root causes underlying challenges to secondary use of data.. 2011. 2011
- The SHARPn project on secondary use of Electronic Medical Record data: progress, plans, and possibilities.. 2011. 2011
- Using RxNorm and NDF-RT to classify medication data extracted from electronic health records: experiences from the Rochester Epidemiology Project.. 2011. 2011
- An analysis of team checklists in physician signout notes.. 2010. 2010
- Peers, regulators, and professions: the influence of organizations in health information technology adoption.. 2010. 2010
- The effect of telehomecare on heart failure self care.. 2010. 2010
- Use of standard drug vocabularies in clinical research: a case study in pediatrics.. 2010. 2010
- Evaluation of a prototype search and visualization system for exploring scientific communities.. 2009. 2009
- Evaluation of risk scores derived from the health family tree program.. 2009. 2009
- developing a web platform for health promotion and wellness driven by and for the Harlem community.. 2009. 2009
- What "to-do" with physician task lists: clinical task model development and electronic health record design implications.. 2009. 2009
- A competency-based curriculum to acculturate biomedical informatics students to the practice of medicine. 2008
- A vector space method to quantify agreement in qualitative data.. 2008. 2008
- BabelMeSH and PICO Linguist in Arabic. 2008
- Clinical trials in silico: rigorous assessment of treatment effect using electronic health records. 2008
- Clinical validity of alerts generated by the CareEngine Claims-Driven Decision Support Engine. 2008
- Correlates of expected satisfaction with electronic health records in office practices by practitioners. 2008
- LexValueSets: an approach for context-driven value sets extraction.. 2008. 2008
- Physicians' attitudes towards copy and pasting in electronic note writing. 2008
- Providers' expectations of ambulatory electronic health records (EHRs). 2008
- Quality measures for capturing the effects of health information exchange. 2008
- Social network analysis of interdisciplinarity in obesity research. 2008
- Terminological reaction. 2008
- Understanding interdisciplinary health sciences collaborations: a campus-wide survey of obesity experts.. 2008. 2008
- A combined qualitative method for testing an interactive risk communication tool.. 2007. 2007
- Analysis of a computerized sign-out tool: identification of unanticipated uses and contradictory content.. 2007. 2007
- Assessing data relevance for automated generation of a clinical summary.. 2007. 2007
- Assessing the quality of quality of care measures: the impact of the sampling frame on baseline assessments of diabetes control. 2007
- Clinicians and coders are different: Examples of disparities in primary care coding. 2007
- Digital partnerships for health: steps to develop a community-specific health portal aimed at promoting health and well-being.. 2007. 2007
- Healthy Harlem: empowering health consumers through social networking, tailoring and web 2.0 technologies. 2007
- Signout: a collaborative document with implications for the future of clinical information systems.. 2007. 2007
- Use of features in electronic health records and health care quality: How are they related? 2007
- Assessing the accuracy of diagnostic codes in administrative databases: the impact of the sampling frame on sensitivity and specificity.. 2006. 2006
- Correlates of electronic health record adoption in office practices: a statewide survey.. 2006. 2006
- Electronic health records: which practices have them and how are clinicians using them?. 2006. 2006
- Risk and experience: effects of experiential learning and patient characteristics in interpretation of dynamic risk graphics.. 2006. 2006
- Using IT to improve quality at NewYork-Presybterian Hospital: a requirements-driven strategic planning process.. 2006. 2006
- Extending a medical language processing system to the functional status domain.. 2005. 2005
- Improving patient compliance with best practices guidelines: a web based automated and personalized reminders system.. 2005. 2005
- Modeling clinical judgment and implicit guideline compliance in the diagnosis of melanomas using machine learning.. 2005. 2005
- Risky decisions despite counter evidence: modeling a culture of safer sexual practices.. 2005. 2005
- Workflow modeling in critical care: piecing your own puzzle.. 2005. 2005
- Creating an enterprise-wide allergy repository at Partners HealthCare System.. 2003. 2003
- Defining the priorities and challenges for the adoption of Information Technology in HealthCare: opinions from an expert panel.. 2003. 2003
- Derivation of malignancy status from ICD-9 codes.. 2003. 2003
- GESDOR - a generic execution model for sharing of computer-interpretable clinical practice guidelines.. 2003. 2003
- Healthcare website design for the elderly: improving usability.. 2003. 2003
- Overcoming the barriers to the implementing computerized physician order entry systems in US hospitals: perspectives from senior management.. 2003. 2003