publication venue for
- One approach to care for patients infected with human immunodeficiency virus in an academic medical center.. 73. 1996
- Differential mortality in New York City (1988-1992). Part One: excess mortality among non-Hispanic blacks.. 72. 1995
- Differential mortality in New York City (1988-1992). Part Two: excess mortality in the south Bronx.. 72. 1995
- Professional responsibility: a perspective on the Bell Commission reforms.. 67. 1991
- Restructuring ambulatory services in the academic medical center: one approach to primary care services for the urban poor.. 67. 1991
- Where do we go from here?. 67. 1991
- Interaction of housing and health care institutions.. 66. 1990
- Objectives of an elective in clinical nutrition.. 65. 1989
- Low level radioactive waste: what are the facts?. 65. 1989
- Evaluation of the exercise electrocardiogram by the ST segment/heart rate slope.. 63. 1987
- Joint replacement in the elderly.. 63. 1987
- Homicide in New York City.. 62. 1986
- Diagnosis related group-based hospital payment: the real issues.. 62. 1986
- Surgical management of osteogenic sarcoma of the lower limb.. 61. 1985
- Biomedical research training as an apotheosis for geriatric education, with comments on the dogma of geriatrics and cost containment.. 61. 1985
- Restructuring the financing of health care: more stringent regulation of utilization.. 60. 1984
- External beam radiation for retinoblastoma.. 57. 1981
- Ancillary tests for the diagnosis of retinoblastoma.. 56. 1980
- The politics of cost containment and resource allocation: experiences in health planning and resource development.. 56. 1980
- Vasculitis.. 55. 1979
- Communities with unusually short life-spans: the effects of life-style modification.. 55. 1979
- The influence of immune function on lifespan.. 54. 1978
- Treatment of choroidal melanomas.. 54. 1978
- The New York City nurse - epidemiology program.. 53. 1977
- Organization for long-term management of hypertension: introduction.. 52. 1976
- Organization for long-term management of hypertension: the recruitment, training, and responsibilities of a health team.. 52. 1976
- Organization for long-term management of hypertension: the role of the physician.. 52. 1976
- Surgical techniques of myocardial revascularization: an overview.. 48. 1972
- The diagnosis of retinoblastoma. 1988
- Predicting the future of the AIDS epidemic and its consequences for the health care system of New York City. 1988
- Assessment of cardiac hemodynamics and valvular function by Doppler echocardiography. 1987
- Lupus erythematosus and allied disorders in pregnancy. 1987
- Systemic atropine and glaucoma. 1984
- Copper in parenteral nutrition. 1984