publication venue for
- Leucocytes and free radicals in stable angina pectoris.. 33. 1992
- Cardiovascular response to adrenergic stimulation during treatment with tertatolol. A new non-cardioselective beta-blocking agent in primary hypertensive patients.. 32. 1991
- Echocardiographic indexes of left ventricular contractility. Effect of load manipulation in arterial hypertension.. 29. 1988
- Left ventricular mass and blood pressure during ergometric exercise in primary hypertension.. 28. 1987
- Noninvasive assessment of hemodynamic changes during therapy with nitrendipine in arterial hypertension.. 28. 1987
- Slow-release nifedipine versus placebo in the treatment of arterial hypertension. A double blind ergometric evaluation of cardiac workload.. 26. 1985