awards grant
- ACTIV-6: COVID-19 Outpatient Randomized Trial to Evaluate Efficacy of Repurposed Medications
- Accelerating COVID-19 Therapeutic Interventions and Vaccines (ACTIV) 6 - Evaluate Efficacy of Repurposed Medications
- Dalbavancin as an Option for Treatment of S. aureus Bacteremia (DOTS): A Phase 2b, Multicenter, Randomized, Open-Label, Assessor-Blinded Superiority Study to Compare the Efficacy and Safety of Dalbavancin to Standard of Care Antibiotic Therapy for the Completion of Treatment of Patients with Complicated S. aureus Bacteremia
- Defining the role of the RNA modification N6-methyladenosine during Flaviviridae virus infection
- Harmonization of breast MRI data
- Impact of Early-life Exposure to Semi-Volatile Organic Compounds (SV)Cs) on Neonatal and Early Childhood Immune Function
- Maternal Immunization: Recombinant vectored delivery of maternal antibody for transfer into breast milk and across the placenta
- PRagmatic EValuation of evENTs And Benefits of Lipid-lowering in oldEr Adults (PREVENTABLE)
- Pragmatic Evaluation Of Events And Benefits Of Lipid-Lowering In Older Adults (Preventable)
- Supramolecular pediatric HIV vaccine design