Acute oligohydramnios and deteriorating fetal biophysical profile associated with severe preeclampsia.
Acute changes in fetal biophysical profile (BPP) status usually include rapid cessation of all nonessential acute biophysical activities, yet not necessarily an acute decrease in the amniotic fluid volume, or oligohydramnios. A 36-year-old para 3 with early third-trimester severe preeclampsia, mild placental abruption, and fetal growth restriction, with a reassuring BPP of 8/8, was managed expectantly with intravenous magnesium sulfate, hydralazine, and intramuscular corticosteroids. Within 20 h of admission a marked change in the BPP was noted, with a score of 0/8. Amniotic fluid index (AFI), which on admission had been 20.1, progressively became 0, despite a stable normovolemic maternal status. At immediate cesarean, a mildly acidotic and hypoxic fetus was delivered which subsequently did well. This case supports the concept that acute oligohydramnios may develop rapidly in the presence of acute fetal hypoxemia.