Sports-specific concerns in the young athlete: baseball. Review uri icon



  • The sport of baseball is played by millions of children across America and around the world. Although generally considered a safe activity, it is estimated that there are over 100,000 acute baseball injuries yearly in the 5- to 14-year age range in the United States, many of which present to the emergency department. Acute injuries often involve ball impact to the face and hands; baseball is the leading cause of sport-related eye injury. Ball impact particularly to the chest results in a small but steady number of fatalities each year, many of which are widely publicized events. In addition to acute injury, many young baseball players are affected by chronic and acute conditions of the elbow. In this article, we review the history, epidemiology, and common injury patterns that are specific to baseball. Case reports are included, as well as a section on the physical examination of the elbow.

publication date

  • June 1, 2000



  • Baseball


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 0034048486

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1097/00006565-200006000-00021

PubMed ID

  • 10888466

Additional Document Info


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