Use of ultrasonographic guidance in interventional musculoskeletal procedures: a review from a single institution.
We have evaluated the utility of ultrasonographic guidance for intervention in the musculoskeletal system. All interventional musculoskeletal procedures using ultrasonographic guidance performed at our institution from July 1998 through November 1999 were reviewed. Examinations were performed using either a linear or curved phased array transducer, based on depth and local geometry. The choice of needle was likewise optimized for specific anatomic conditions. One hundred ninety-five procedures were performed on 167 patients from July 1998 through November 1999. Thirty-one procedures had magnetic resonance correlation within 6 months beforehand. Excluding large-joint aspirations and injections, we found that 180 of the procedures were more readily performed using ultrasonography than any other imaging modality. These included therapeutic injections into tendon sheaths (biceps, flexor digitorum longus, posterior tibial, and iliopsoas), Morton's neuromas, plantar fascia, wrist ganglia, and tarsal tunnel cysts; peritendinous hamstring injections; and synovial cyst and muscle biopsies. In all cases, the target of interest was identified easily with ultrasonography, and needle position was documented readily. Also in all cases, aspiration or medication delivery to the site of interest was observed during real time and was documented on postprocedure images of the area. No significant complications (e.g., bleeding, infection, and neurovascular compromise) were encountered during or immediately after any procedure. Ultrasonography is a readily available imaging modality useful for guiding interventional procedures in the musculoskeletal system. The ability to document exact needle placement in real time confirms accurate placement of therapeutic injections, fluid aspiration, and soft tissue biopsies.