- Respiratory failure remains a common cause of admission to the ICU for patients with cancer, regardless of the nature of malignancy. The diagnosis and management of ARF in patients with cancer poses special challenges to the intensivist. Depending on the type of cancer, the degree of immunosuppression, underlying comorbidities, the modality of cancer treatment, progression or spread of underlying cancer, and disease- or therapy-associated complications are the most common causes of ARF in these patients. Despite significant advances in antineoplastic therapies and supportive management in the ICU, the mortality rate of patients with cancer with ARF remains high. Severity-of-illness scoring systems and mortality probability models, although useful in discriminating between survivors and nonsurvivors in large groups of critically ill patients, should not be used alone to justify reluctance in admitting individual patients with cancer with potentially reversible respiratory failure to the ICU. Close collaboration between oncologists and intensivists will ensure the establishment of clear goals and direction of treatment for every patient with cancer who requires mechanical ventilation.