Lung transplantation after allogeneic marrow transplantation in pediatric patients: the Memorial Sloan-Kettering experience.
BACKGROUND: Chronic lung disease and pulmonary failure are complications that can occur after bone marrow transplantation (BMT) and are associated with severe morbidity and mortality. METHODS: We report on four patients who developed chronic, progressive, and irreversible lung disease 1 to 3 years after allogeneic BMT in childhood. These patients had chronic graft-versus-host disease (n=3) or radiation-related pulmonary fibrosis (n=1). Three patients underwent double lung transplants and one patient underwent a single lung transplant 2 to 14 years after BMT. RESULTS: All four patients tolerated the lung transplantation procedure well and showed significant clinical improvement with normalization of pulmonary function tests by 1 year posttransplant. One patient died from infectious complications 3 years after lung transplantation, and one patient died after chronic rejection of the transplanted lungs 6 years posttransplant. Two patients remain alive without significant respiratory impairment 2 and 7 years after lung transplantation. CONCLUSION: We conclude that lung transplantation offers a viable therapeutic option for patients who develop respiratory failure secondary to BMT.