Diagnosis of posterolateral congenital diaphragmatic (Bochdalek) hernia by liver scintigram: case report.
A characteristic liver scintigraphic finding was observed in a 2-month-old infant with hepatic herniation through a right-sided posterolateral congenital diaphragmatic defect (Bochdalek). The liver scintigrams showed an oblique band of decreased radioactivity dividing the liver into an inferior anteromedial portion and a superior posterolateral portion. In spite of the markedly abnormal liver scintigram, other diagnostic studies, including pneumoperitoneum abdominal radiography, remained negative. The liver scintigram can provide life-saving information in the diagnosis of congenital diaphragmatic hernia, as in the present case. The distinctive liver-scan findings among the various types of common diaphragmatic hernias are also briefly reviewed.