Role of duodenum on sphincter of Oddi motility in conscious dogs.
Academic Article
Our aim was to determine the role of the duodenum in controlling sphincter of Oddi motility using conscious dogs after total duodenectomy. In a control group (N = 6), a cannula was implanted into the duodenum opposite to the papilla to allow retrograde sphincter manometry. In a duodenectomy group (N = 6), the papillae were preserved at total duodenectomy and sutured to thejejunum anastomosed to the stomach (neoduodenum). The cannula was implanted opposite to the implanted papillae. Interdigestive and postprandial sphincter and duodental or neoduodenal motility were recorded by manometric and myoelectric methods. Duodenectomy disrupted sphincter cyclic motility associated with the intestinal migrating motor complex and increased sphincter activity throughout the cycle. Sphincter activity increased immediately after feeding and did not differ between the two groups. In conclusion, during the interdigestive period, the duodenum has a distinct role in regulating sphincter cyclic motility. The initiation of the fed pattern of sphincter motility does not need the duodenum.