Gene expression profiles in psoriasis: analysis of impact of body site location and clinical severity.
Academic Article
BACKGROUND: Psoriasis is characterized by symmetry of plaques and modulation of multiple genes within those plaques. OBJECTIVES: We compared gene expression profiles of plaques of psoriasis at different anatomical sites for both symmetrical and asymmetrical disease to ascertain whether the same genes were expressed. METHODS: Gene expression profiles were analysed in biopsies from lesional and uninvolved skin from two groups of patients with either predominantly symmetrical or truncal plaques of psoriasis vulgaris, and from normal skin of healthy volunteers. Genomic analyses were performed using cDNA array and kinetically monitored reverse transcriptase-initiated polymerase chain reaction (kRT-PCR) approaches. A cluster of genes upregulated in involved psoriasis skin as compared with normal skin was identified using each of these two technologies. RESULTS: Clustering of patients based on their gene expression profile did not reveal any correlation with family history of psoriasis, age at onset or association of psoriasis with arthritis. There was no difference in gene expression profile between the type (symmetrical vs. truncal) or location (left vs. right side of body) of psoriatic plaques. Gene expression profiles of involved psoriatic skin analysed by kRT-PCR analysis did correlate with both global (Psoriasis Area and Severity Index) and local (erythema, desquamation and plaque elevation) clinical severity. CONCLUSIONS: These results indicate that it may be feasible to analyse the molecular effects of pharmacological agents on psoriatic skin in 'minizone' protocols, that the obtained data can be correlated with clinical severity and that plaques of psoriasis in the same individual express the same genes.