Plasma renin and aldosterone measurements in low renin hypertensive states.
Plasma renin concentrations are extremely low, requiring high sensitivity methods to detect low renin hypertensive states. Moreover, plasma prorenin must not cryoactivate to renin to avoid falsely high values. The enzyme kinetic plasma renin activity (PRA) test has the required sensitivity, whereas direct renin assays and PRA tests with short incubation times are usually not accurate enough. Test specificity is essential for plasma aldosterone. The Nichols Advantage aldosterone assay is fast and automated but requires great attention to quality control. Here, the impact of renin on the aldosterone:renin ratio as a screening test for primary aldosteronism is reviewed. A sensitive plasma renin test is essential for the diagnosis of low renin hypertensive states and, currently, can be consistently achieved only with the PRA radioimmunoassay.