[Intraobserver reproducibility in anterior segment morphometry of normal eyes using ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM)]. Academic Article uri icon



  • PURPOSE: To systematically study the anterior segment morphometric measurements by ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) in a large population of normal eyes, to evaluate their intra-observer reproducibility. Two new measurements are proposed and also tested concerning their intra-observer reproducibility. METHODS: One hundred ninety eyes of 101 patients with normal ophthalmic examination were studied by UBM. Anterior chamber depth (ACD) along with 11 different morphometric parameters that characterize the anterior segment morphometry were measured in the superior, nasal, inferior and temporal meridians. All measurements were performed twice with a minimum interval of four weeks between them. RESULTS: There were no statistical significant differences between the first (M1) and second (M2) measurements and regarding each studied parameter except for 2 variables in 2 meridians in the right eyes (OD) and 2 variables of one meridian in the left eyes (OS). Even in these cases, the largest difference between M1 and M2 was less than 0.006 mm, which was not clinically significant. The new tested parameters also presented a good intra-observer reproducibility. CONCLUSION: This study confirmed the good intra-observer reproducibility of the variables that characterize anterior segment morphometry by UBM.

publication date

  • May 18, 2005



  • Anterior Eye Segment
  • Eye Diseases


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 27944472702

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1590/s0004-27492005000200005

PubMed ID

  • 15905937

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