Non-invasive multislice computed tomography coronary angiography for imaging coronary arteries, stents and bypass grafts.
Academic Article
Abstract Multislice computed tomography (MSCT) is evolving rapidly and available data suggest that MSCT coronary angiography may be a reliable and accurate non-invasive imaging modality of coronary arteries. Current generations of MSCT scanners have high sensitivity and specificity for diagnosing native coronary artery disease and coronary bypass graft occlusion. The performance of MSCT in the evaluation of stent patency is still being assessed. In comparison with conventional selective coronary angiography (SCA), MSCT is non-invasive, cheaper and it has the advantages of imaging plaque compositions as well as assessment of luminal patency. Nevertheless, the role of MSCT in the management of coronary artery disease is yet to be fully defined.