Central serous chorioretinopathy in giant cell arteritis.
A 66-year-old woman started oral prednisone for temporal artery biopsy (TAB) proven GCA and developed central haziness OD > OS. Visual acuity worsened to 20/100 OD and 20/25 OS. Clinical exam, optical coherence tomography (OCT) and fluorescein angiography (FA) revealed central serous chorioretinopathy (CSCR). The patient was treated with focal laser therapy for CSCR and steroid taper. Patients with giant cell arteritis on high dose steroids may present with significant loss of visual acuity and field. CSCR (precipitated by steroids) should be considered in the differential diagnosis as increasing the steroid dose for presumed visual loss secondary to GCA might worsen rather than improve the visual outcome.