Capsule endoscopy retention: is it a complication?
Academic Article
BACKGROUND: Capsule endoscopy has been found superior to barium x-rays and push enteroscopy in the investigation of obscure gastrointestinal bleeding and in the evaluation of suspected Crohn's disease. Currently, small bowel obstruction and strictures are considered by many physicians to be a contraindication to capsule endoscopy for fear of capsule retention or impaction. The goal of this study was to reassess this conventional wisdom that capsule endoscopy is contraindicated in small bowel obstruction and to determine the safety and efficacy of capsule endoscopy in the evaluation of patients with suspected stricture or small bowel obstruction. STUDY: A retrospective chart review was performed using a database of 568 capsule endoscopy cases performed between August 2001 and November 2003. Cases of suspected small bowel obstruction were selected and reviewed. RESULTS: Nineteen cases were identified in which capsule endoscopy was used in the setting of suspected small bowel obstruction. The diagnosis of suspected small bowel obstruction was based on symptoms alone in 8 cases and on symptoms plus abnormal radiographs in the remaining 11 cases. Capsule endoscopy made a definitive diagnosis in 5 of the 19 cases (26%): 2 Crohn's strictures, 1 radiation induced stricture, 1 nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug induced stricture, and 1 MALT lymphoma. The capsule was retained proximal to a stricture in 4 cases, in which the obstructing lesions were electively resected without complications. There was no case in which administration of the capsule led to an acute small bowel obstruction. CONCLUSIONS: Capsule endoscopy can be safely used to help identify the etiology and site of a small bowel obstruction. Retention of the capsule may indicate the presence of a lesion requiring surgery, but small bowel obstruction or strictures are not in themselves contraindications to the procedure. It is understood, however, that retention may lead to surgery in a patient who otherwise may have been treated medically without surgery for the same illness (eg, Crohn's disease and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug enteropathy).