Low-grade myxofibrosarcoma: CT and MRI patterns in recurrent disease.
Academic Article
OBJECTIVE: Low-grade myxofibrosarcoma often relentlessly recurs after surgical resection, with an unusual infiltrative growth pattern and sometimes without a discrete tumor nodule at pathologic examination. This study was undertaken to determine and show patterns of recurrent low-grade myxofibrosarcoma at CT and MRI. CONCLUSION: Unlike in most other histologic types of low-grade soft-tissue sarcoma, recurrent low-grade myxofibrosarcoma often is infiltrative; shows a tapering, tail-like margin and superficial spreading configuration; and metastasizes to various distant sites, including lungs, pleura, bone, adrenal gland, soft tissue, and mesentery. Knowledge of these unusual characteristics is important in assessing the presence and extent of recurrent low-grade myxofibrosarcoma before surgical reexcision.