Genome-wide scans meta-analysis for pulse pressure.
Genome scans for identifying susceptibility loci for pulse pressure have produced inconclusive results. A heterogeneity-based genome search meta-analysis was applied to available genome-scan data on pulse pressure. A genome search meta-analysis divides the whole genome into 120 bins and identifies bins that rank high on average in terms of linkage statistics across genome scans unweighted or weighted by study size. The significance of each bin's average rank (right-sided test) and heterogeneity among studies (left-sided test) was calculated using a Monte Carlo test. The meta-analysis involved 7 genome scans, 3 consisting of subjects of European descent. Of the 120 bins, 5 bins had significant average rank (P(rank)0.05), indicating variation in the strength of association. Further investigation of these regions may help to direct the identification of candidate genes for pulse pressure variation.