The chronology of depression and distress in men with Peyronie's disease.
Academic Article
INTRODUCTION: For the practicing clinician, appreciating Peyronie's disease (PD) significant negative psychological impact is apparent. Despite this, there exists not a single study using validated instruments assessing this issue. AIMS: To document the effect of PD on the psychosocial status of men. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: The Center for Epidemiological Studies Depression scale (CES-D) for evaluation of depression and the SF-36 for quality of life assessment. METHODS: Men (N = 92; 54 +/- 11 years of age) presenting for PD evaluation completed the CES-D, Short Form-36 (SF-36), and an inventory regarding PD. Partners were not assessed. RESULTS: A vast majority of men (88%) had a partner with a mean partner age of 49 +/- 11 years. The median duration of PD at presentation was 12 (1-360) months. As a whole, 48% were classified as depressed on the CES-D (26% moderate, 21% severe). These subjects were then placed into groups according to the length of time since diagnosis of PD. Length-of-time groups were: 0-6 months, 6-12 months, 12-18 months, and >18 months. The percent of men scoring above the CES-D cutoff for depression remained consistently high with no significant difference across time since diagnosis groups. These results are supported by data from the Mental Health subscale (MHS) of the SF-36 (lower scores indicate lower mental heath). For the entire sample, the MHS standardized mean of 46.80 was significantly lower (P < 0.05) than the general male population standardized mean of 50. The MHS means stayed consistently low (no statistical difference) across time since diagnosis groups. CONCLUSIONS: Using validated instruments, we have demonstrated that 48% of men with PD have clinically meaningful depression that would warrant medical evaluation. This high level of depression stayed consistent across time since diagnosis. These data suggest that most men do not psychologically adjust to their diagnosis of PD and all men with PD should be considered appropriate mental health screening.
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