Saccade onset and offset lambda waves: relation to pattern movement visually evoked potentials. Academic Article uri icon



  • The lambda (lambda) wave is an occipital EEG potential which occurs when saccadic eye movements are made against an illuminated contrast background. There is some disagreement concerning the presence of sub-components to the lambda-wave, and its relationship to visually evoked potentials. In the present study, lambda-waves were recorded with saccades of different durations (30-110 ms) and compared to VEPs associated with pattern movements of similar durations and velocity. It was found that the lambda-wave consisted of a saccade onset component with positive sub-components at 59 and 100 ms after saccade onset, and a saccade offset component with a positive potential at 74 ms after saccade offset. With small saccades of 30 ms duration or less, these components superimposed to form a single lambda-wave. In the case of pattern movement VEPs, a movement onset component of latency 110 ms following movement onset, and a movement offset component at 89 ms after movement offset, were identified. The similar behaviour of the lambda-wave and VEP under these conditions supports the view that the lambda-wave is a visually evoked potential resulting from movement of the visual field across the retina during a saccadic eye movement.

publication date

  • June 14, 1991



  • Evoked Potentials, Visual
  • Saccades


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 0025763851

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1016/0006-8993(91)90927-n

PubMed ID

  • 1913148

Additional Document Info


  • 551


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