Incidental ureteral catheterization with cystometry catheter during video urodynamics: a prompt diagnosis.
Multichannel video urodynamics (VUDS) was performed for postlaparoscopic radical prostatectomy urinary incontinence. A temporary wavy rise was noted in vesical pressure (P(ves)) before filling. Shortly upon filling, a sudden rise was noted in P(ves) and the patient developed left flank pain. The catheter tip was visible fluoroscopically in the left upper ureter and the pump was stopped immediately. After several unsuccessful attempts, the catheter was finally placed under cystoscopic guidance. The left ureteral orifice was at the posterolateral position just at the membranous urethra. The VUDS was completed uneventfully with no further complications. Careful monitoring during VUDS is paramount to detect such complications early, especially in situations of altered trigonal anatomy.