Survival of retinoblastoma in less-developed countries impact of socioeconomic and health-related indicators.
BACKGROUND: The survival of retinoblastoma in less-developed countries (LDCs) and the impact of socioeconomic variables on survival are not widely available in the literature. METHODS: A systematic review of publications from LDCs was performed. Articles were from multiple databases and written in seven languages. Results were correlated with socioeconomic indicators. Lower-income countries (LICs) and middle-income countries (MICs) were included in our analyses. RESULTS: An analysis of 164 publications including 14,800 patients from 48 LDCs was performed. Twenty-six per cent of the papers were written in languages other than English. Estimated survival in LICs was 40% (range, 23-70%); in lower MICs, 77% (range, 60-92%) and in upper MICs, 79% (range, 54-93%; p = 0.001).Significant differences were also found in the occurrence of metastasis: in LICs, 32% (range, 12-45); in lower MICs, 12% (range, 3-31) and in upper MICs, 9.5% (range, 3-24; p = 0.04). On multivariate analysis, physician density and human development index were significantly associated with survival and metastasis. Maternal mortality rate and per capita health expenditure were significantly associated with treatment refusal. CONCLUSIONS: Important information from LDCs is not always available in English or in major databases. Indicators of socioeconomic development and maternal and infant health were related with outcome.