Hereditary breast cancer: clinical features and risk reduction strategies.
Risk-reduction interventions for BRCA-related breast cancer are relevant not only for clinical decisions in breast cancer patients but also for healthy subjects who are potential candidates to undergo similar interventions. The literature on the impact of different surgical options and adjuvant systemic approaches aimed towards risk reduction for ipsilateral and contralateral breast cancer recurrences is briefly reviewed. Breast-conserving surgery is associated with a higher probability of local recurrence, but is counterbalanced by effectiveness of chemotherapy in reducing this risk. Consistent support for the hypothesis that antiestrogens are effective in reducing contralateral breast cancer risks is available from the literature. On the other hand, data on chemoprevention approaches for healthy subjects are too preliminary to draw any conclusions. Studies including conventional and newer hormonal drugs are needed to demonstrate the benefit of chemoprevention approaches. These may also deepen our knowledge on possible differences in the likelihood of clinical benefit to be expected among BRCA1- and BRCA2-altered tumours.