Metabolic signatures in apoptotic human cancer cell lines. Academic Article uri icon



  • Cancer cells have several specific metabolic features, which have been explored for targeted therapies. Agents that promote apoptosis in tumors are currently considered as a powerful tool for cancer therapeutics. The present study aimed to design a fast, reliable and robust system for metabolite measurements in cells lines to observe impact of apoptosis on the metabolome. For that purpose the NBS (newborn screen) mass spectrometry-based metabolomics assay was adapted for cell culture approach. In HEK 293 and in cancer cell lines HepG2, PC3, and MCF7 we searched for metabolic biomarkers of apoptosis differing from that of necrosis. Already nontreated cell lines revealed distinct concentrations of metabolites. Several metabolites indicative for apoptotic processes in cell culture including aspartate, glutamate, methionine, alanine, glycine, propionyl carnitine (C3-carnitine), and malonyl carnitine (C3DC-carnitine) were observed. In some cell lines metabolite changes were visible as early as 4 h after apoptosis induction and preceeding the detection by caspase 3/7 assay. We demonstrated for the first time that the metabolomic signatures might be used in the tests of efficacy of agents causing apoptosis in cell culture. These signatures could be obtained in fast high-throughput screening.

publication date

  • February 19, 2011



  • Apoptosis
  • Metabolome
  • Neoplasms


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 79956094953

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1089/omi.2010.0121

PubMed ID

  • 21332381

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