Aortic Root Replacement in Octogenarians Offers Acceptable Perioperative and Late Outcomes.
Academic Article
BACKGROUND: As the proportion of the population more than 80 years of age increases, cardiac surgeons will increasingly be consulted to operate on this high-risk patient group. The aim of this study is to evaluate the perioperative and late outcomes of octogenarians undergoing aortic root replacement in comparison with younger patients. METHODS: All patients undergoing aortic root replacement at our institution between 2005 and 2012 (n = 592) were retrospectively reviewed. Patients were stratified according to their age at surgery: patients less than 80 years old (group LT80, n = 558) and octogenarians (group OG, n = 34). Primary outcomes of interest were inhospital mortality and perioperative complication rate. RESULTS: Patients in the OG group had significantly higher rates of preoperative stroke history, atrial fibrillation, and coronary artery disease. Indication for surgery was type A aortic dissection in 62 (10.5%), thoracic aortic aneurysm in 514 (86.8%), and endocarditis in 11 (1.9%), with no intergroup differences. Inhospital mortality was not significantly different between groups (5.9% OG versus 2.3% LT80, p = 0.21), and postoperative atrial fibrillation was more common in OG (60.6% OG versus 38.5% LT80, p = 0.01). Type A dissection, diabetes mellitus, and prior cardiac surgery were independent predictors of inhospital mortality or postoperative stroke. CONCLUSIONS: Octogenarians can safely undergo aortic root replacement with moderately worse but acceptable perioperative mortality and late survival. Further studies are necessary to determine which subset of octogenarians are at the highest operative risk and may benefit from a conservative approach.
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