Age- and sex-based resource utilisation and costs in patients with acute chest pain undergoing cardiac CT angiography: pooled evidence from ROMICAT II and ACRIN-PA trials. Academic Article uri icon



  • OBJECTIVES: To determine resource utilisation according to age and gender-specific subgroups in two large randomized diagnostic trials. METHODS: We pooled patient-specific data from ACRIN-PA 4005 and ROMICAT II that enrolled subjects with acute chest pain at 14 US sites. Subjects were randomized between a standard work-up and a pathway utilizing cardiac computed tomography angiography (CCTA) and followed for the occurrence of acute coronary syndrome (ACS) and resource utilisation during index hospitalisation and 1-month follow-up. Study endpoints included diagnostic accuracy of CCTA for the detection of ACS as well as resource utilisation. RESULTS: Among 1240 patients who underwent CCTA, negative predictive value of CCTA to rule out ACS remained very high (≥99.4%). The proportion of patients undergoing additional diagnostic testing and cost increased with age for both sexes (p < 0.001), and was higher in men as compared to women older than 60 years (43.1% vs. 23.4% and $4559 ± 3382 vs. $3179 ± 2562, p < 0.01; respectively). Cost to rule out ACS was higher in men (p < 0.001) and significantly higher for patients older than 60 years ($2860-5935 in men, p < 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: CCTA strategy in patients with acute chest pain results in varying resource utilisation according to age and gender-specific subgroups, mandating improved selection for advanced imaging. KEY POINTS: • In this analysis, CAD and ACS increased with age and male gender. • CCTA in patients with acute chest pain results in varying resource utilisation. • Significant increase of diagnostic testing and cost with age for both sexes. • Cost to rule out ACS is higher in men and patients >60 years. • Improved selection of subjects for cardiac CTA result in more resource-driven implementation.

publication date

  • September 5, 2017



  • Acute Coronary Syndrome
  • Chest Pain
  • Computed Tomography Angiography
  • Coronary Angiography


PubMed Central ID

  • PMC8382042

Scopus Document Identifier

  • 85029010676

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1007/s00330-017-4981-y

PubMed ID

  • 28875364

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