Does Solid Organ Transplantation Affect Male Reproduction?
Patients undergoing solid organ transplantation have experienced increased graft survival rates over the past several decades. With increased longevity making fatherhood a viable option, many patients desire to pursue this path. However, many patients and practitioners are likely unaware of the feasibility and safety for a man on a transplant immunosuppression regimen to safely pursue fatherhood. In this review, we discuss effects of organ transplantation and post-transplantation treatment on male hormones, fertility, and the risk to potential offspring. Briefly, providers should be aware that organ transplant recipients may be at an increased risk for hypogonadism and erectile dysfunction, but fathering a child is a realistic and safe aspiration. PATIENT SUMMARY: In this mini-review, we discuss the effects of solid organ transplantation (such as lung, heart, kidney, and liver) on a man's sexual health, and his ability to have children. We focus on the most common problems encountered by patients after their transplant, and the effects of medications.