Large Cohort Data Based Group or Community Disease Prevention Design Strategy: Strong Heart Study.
Academic Article
BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: A multitude of large cohort studies have data on incidence rates and predictors of various chronic diseases. However, approaches for utilization of these costly collected data and translation of these valuable results to inform and guide clinical disease prevention practice are not well developed. In this paper we proposed a novel conceptual group/community disease prevention design strategy based on large cohort study data. METHODS AND RESULTS: The data from participants (n = 3516; 2056 women) aged 45 to 74 years and the diabetes risk prediction model from Strong Heart Study were used. The Strong Heart Study is a population-based cohort study of cardiovascular disease and its risk factors in American Indians. A conceptual group/community disease prevention design strategy based on large cohort data was initiated. The application of the proposed strategy for group diabetes prevention was illustrated. DISCUSSION: The strategy may provide reasonable solutions to the prevention design issues. These issues include complex associations of a disease with its combined and correlated risk factors, individual differences, choosing intervention risk factors and setting their appropriate, attainable, gradual and adaptive goal levels for different subgroups, and assessing effectiveness of the prevention program. CONCLUSIONS: The strategy and methods shown in the illustration example can be analogously adopted and applied for other diseases preventions. The proposed strategy for a target group/community in a population provides a way to translate and apply epidemiological study results to clinical disease prevention practice.