Plasticity of Drug-Naïve and Vemurafenib- or Trametinib-Resistant Melanoma Cells in Execution of Differentiation/Pigmentation Program. Academic Article uri icon



  • Melanoma plasticity creates a plethora of opportunities for cancer cells to escape treatment. Thus, therapies must target all cancer cell subpopulations bearing the potential to contribute to disease. The role of the differentiation/pigmentation program in intrinsic and acquired drug resistance is largely uncharacterized. MITF level and expression of MITF-dependent pigmentation-related genes, MLANA, PMEL, TYR, and DCT, in drug-naïve and vemurafenib- or trametinib-treated patient-derived melanoma cell lines and their drug-resistant counterparts were analysed and referred to genomic alterations. Variability in execution of pigmentation/differentiation program was detected in patient-derived melanoma cell lines. Acute treatment with vemurafenib or trametinib enhanced expression of pigmentation-related genes in MITF-Mhigh melanoma cells, partially as the consequence of transcriptional reprograming. During development of resistance, changes in pigmentation program were not unidirectional, but also not universal as expression of different pigmentation-related genes was diversely affected. In selected resistant cell lines, differentiation/pigmentation was promoted and might be considered as one of drug-tolerant phenotypes. In other resistant lines, dedifferentiation was induced. Upon drug withdrawal ("drug holiday"), the dedifferentiation process in resistant cells either was enhanced but reversed by drug reexposure suggesting involvement of epigenetic mechanisms or was irreversible. The irreversible dedifferentiation might be connected with homozygous loss-of-function mutation in MC1R, as MC1RR151C +/+ variant was found exclusively in drug-naïve MITF-Mlow dedifferentiated cells and drug-resistant cells derived from MITFhigh/MC1RWT cells undergoing irreversible dedifferentiation. MC1RR151C +/+ variant might be further investigated as a parameter potentially impacting melanoma patient stratification and aiding in treatment decision.

publication date

  • July 3, 2019


PubMed Central ID

  • PMC6636509

Scopus Document Identifier

  • 85031288867

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1038/nature24037

PubMed ID

  • 31354817

Additional Document Info


  • 2019