Long-term followup of anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction using the quadriceps tendon substitution for chronic anterior cruciate ligament insufficiency. Academic Article uri icon



  • At The Hospital for Special Surgery, the quadriceps tendon substitution (QTS), as described by Marshall, was performed for ACL insufficiency from 1973 to 1980. A review of the initial 60 patients with a minimum of 4 years followup (average, 5.5 years) has been concluded. Thirty-eight patients returned for examinations, and 11 returned questionnaires. Associated medial procedures were performed in 29 of the 38 examined patients. Medial meniscus surgery was performed in 86% and lateral meniscus surgery in 28.9%. At followup, giving way, which was the main preoperative complaint, was eliminated in 30/38 examined and 9/11 questionnaire patients (79%). In the examined group, three patients were clear failures and five had mild transient instability. The pivot shift was present in 17 of 38 (45%) patients examined: 21 patients were negative, 9 were 1+ or a grind, 8 were 2+, and none were 3+. We have concluded that the QTS procedure will eliminate symptomatic instability in 79% of our patients, but the high rate of a residual pivot shift (45%) and symptoms of instability (21%) require the addition of an extraarticular sling procedure. This appears to be related to the relatively poor strength characteristics of the tissue used in the QTS substitution.

publication date

  • January 1, 1988



  • Knee Joint
  • Ligaments, Articular
  • Tendon Transfer


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 0023729331

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1177/036354658801600503

PubMed ID

  • 3189675

Additional Document Info


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