- OBJECTIVE: The American Board of Thoracic Surgery-certifying examination is challenging for applicants. Single institutions have reported good results with a mock oral examination (MOE) for trainees. General surgery literature has demonstrated success with in-person multi-institutional MOE examinations. Due to small numbers of cardiothoracic training programs and significant geographic variability, we hypothesized that a multi-institutional, collaborative remotely administered MOE (mICMO) pairing faculty with trainees from different institutions would provide an important educational experience. METHODS: mICMOs were conducted via the Zoom virtual platform across 6 institutions. Descriptive results via post-experience survey were analyzed and reported. RESULTS: In total, 100% of trainees found mICMO useful. The majority would recommend to a peer, and 100% of faculty examiners found mICMO useful and would participate in another examination. CONCLUSIONS: Faculty and trainees found the experience to be effective with respect to creating a high-stakes environment, educationally beneficial, and productive. These results support the continued use of mICMO and encourage expansion and collaboration with additional institutions across the country.