Development of a scale for measuring techniques in the psychotherapy of borderline patients. Academic Article uri icon



  • Studies of psychodynamic psychotherapy require an instrument to measure the application of the prescribed therapeutic techniques during ongoing treatment. The authors describe the development of such an instrument, the Therapist Verbal Intervention Inventory (TVII), designed specifically for use in the study of the treatment of patients with borderline personality disorders. The TVII was designed, in addition, to test the hypothesis that psychodynamic techniques defined at a middle level of inference could be reliably rated by trained clinicians. The authors present data on the inter-rater reliabilities and inter-rater agreements obtainable with the TVII in the hands of highly experienced clinicians and in the hands of an independent group of junior clinicians trained in its use. The TVII appears to be a potentially useful tool for monitoring psychotherapy techniques in ongoing studies of the treatment of patients with severe personality disorders. Psychiatrists at the advanced resident level or immediate postresidency level have been trained to use the TVII to rate videotaped therapy sessions reliably.

publication date

  • July 1, 1985



  • Borderline Personality Disorder
  • Personality Disorders
  • Professional-Patient Relations
  • Psychotherapy


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 0021853247

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1097/00005053-198507000-00006

PubMed ID

  • 4009159

Additional Document Info


  • 173


  • 7