Characterization of Sertoli cell RNA synthetic activities in vitro at selected times during sexual maturation. Academic Article uri icon



  • In this study, Sertoli cell RNA synthetic activity in vitro was characterized at selected times during sexual maturation. Sertoli cells, isolated from rat testes undergoing the first wave of spermatogenesis and placed in culture for 4 days, exhibited 2-fold increases in soluble ribonucleotide pools and in total RNA concentrations over the age span of 18-35 days. High performance liquid chromatographic analysis of the ribonucleotide pools in Sertoli cells cultured from 18- and 33- to 34-day-old rats revealed that, in addition to the overall age-related doubling of concentrations, uridine triphosphate (UTP) and cytidine triphosphate (CTP) pools were disproportionately increased 4- and 6-fold, respectively. In general, Sertoli cell contained relatively small amounts of UTP in comparison to several other cell types, but exhibited a high ADP:ATP ratio. A uniform 2-fold increase in the base composition of Sertoli cell RNA per mg DNA was observed over the age span of 18-35 days, with no preferential increase in any one specific nucleotide. There was no change in [3H]uridine incorporation (2 h) into RNA per cell (pmol/mg DNA), but decreased specific activity of the RNA (pmol/mg RNA) in Sertoli cells cultured from 35-day-old rats as compared to those from 18- to 19-day-old rats. Similar differences were noted in the specific activity of label incorporated into specific RNA bases. In contrast, the specific activity of the UTP-CTP soluble pool/mg DNA was only slightly increased. These data indicate that processes related to RNA synthesis in the Sertoli cell undergo a number of changes during the period of sexual maturation.

publication date

  • September 1, 1982



  • RNA
  • Sertoli Cells
  • Sexual Maturation


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 0020402418

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1095/biolreprod27.2.374

PubMed ID

  • 6181820

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