Reciprocal anatomical connections between hippocampus and subiculum in the rabbit evidence for subicular innervation of regio superior.
Academic Article
Anatomical connections between the dorsal hippocampus and subiculum were examined in the rabbit, using horseradish peroxidase (HRP) and autoradiographic methods. A previously undescribed pathway was found to project from the dorsal prosubicular-subicular region to dorsal hippocampal cell fields CA1 and CA2. Autoradiographic findings showed that subicular afferents travel via two routes. One pathway projected through the alveus and stratum oriens, with results suggesting collateral input to the basal dendritic pyramidal cell region. The other projection coursed through the stratum lacunosum-moleculare with apparent termination onto CA1 and CA2 apical dendrites. Regions of subiculum providing afferents to hippocampus were compared with subicular areas receiving efferent terminations from hippocampal CA1 and CA3 cell zones. Distribution of hippocampal-subicular terminations were regionally distinct from subicular retrograde cell fields in rostral areas of the subicular complex, extended over a much wider area of subiculum than was seen for retrograde-labeled cells, and was cytoarchitectonically organized. In total, findings indicated that a reciprocal anatomical relationship exists between dorsal hippocampus and subiculum in the rabbit.