Three dimensional conformal treatment planning with multileaf collimators.
Academic Article
PURPOSE: Three dimensional conformal radiation treatments are complex, often involving large numbers of blocked or multileaf collimated fields that shape regions of high dose to conform to the treatment volume. As manual definition and digitization of aperture shapes and their corresponding multileaf configurations can be impractically time consuming, it was necessary to integrate the planning of multileaf fields into an existing three dimensional treatment planning system and improve the efficiency of treatment delivery to make these treatments feasible on a routine basis. METHODS AND MATERIALS: A subfunction of the Beam's Eye View (BEV) component can be used to automatically generate a continuous aperture shape with a margin around the tumor to account for beam penumbra, and excluding any normal structures to be spared (each with its own margin). To convert a continuous aperture shape into one defined by the multileaf collimator (MLC), a leaf coverage mode is chosen to determine how leaves are fitted to aperture shapes. The conversion process also considers parameters of the specific MLC system, e.g., leaf thickness and the number of leaves. If normal structures to be shielded split the target into multiple regions, more than one multileaf aperture can result. An interactive leaf adjustment routine is also provided to allow for modification of individual leaf positions. Dose calculation programs then take into account multileaf apertures for computation of dose distributions using a pencil beam convolution model. Finally, prescription files specifying leaf and jaw configurations are prepared in treatment machine specific formats and downloaded to the computers driving the multileaf collimators and other components of the treatment machines. RESULTS AND CONCLUSION: An example is presented of a prostate treatment plan, with MLC configurations, dose distributions, and treatment delivery description, along with discussion of clinical implementation at Memorial Hospital.