[Love in the analytic setting]. Review uri icon



  • The phenomenon of love and the various forms it takes can be illustrated by looking at the specific forms manifesting themselves in the transference situation. The author sets out these various forms of "transference love", classifying them not only in terms of different diagnostic types of patient but also in terms of sex-specific features. He describes how, over time, transference love seeks a love object outside the psychoanalytic setting for the fulfillment of the desires awakened in the course of the therapeutic relationship. In addition, Kernberg illuminates the way in which the analyst and his/her counter-transference is involved in this process. The dynamics of the interplay between transference love and the counter-transference process is then discussed with reference to a specific case.

publication date

  • January 1, 1994



  • Love
  • Psychoanalytic Therapy
  • Transference, Psychology


Scopus Document Identifier

  • 0028502655

PubMed ID

  • 7972882

Additional Document Info


  • 48


  • 9-10