Interaction between Ustilago maydis REC2 and RAD51 genes in DNA repair and mitotic recombination. Academic Article uri icon



  • A gene encoding a Ustilago maydis Rad51 orthologue has been isolated, rad51-1, a mutant constructed by disrupting the gene, was as sensitive to killing by ultraviolet light and gamma radiation as the rec2-1 mutant and slightly more sensitive to killing by methyl methanesulfonate. There was no suppression of killing by ultraviolet light when a rec2-1 strain was transformed with a multicopy plasmid containing RAD51, nor was there suppression when rad51-1 was transformed with a multicopy plasmid containing REC2. Recombination proficiency as measured by a gap repair assay was diminished in both rec2-1 and rad51-1 strains. In rec2-1 the frequency of recombination was decreased, but the spectrum of events was similar to that observed in wild type, while in rad51-1 the frequency as well as the spectrum of recombination events were different. Studies with the rec2-1 rad51-1 double mutant indicated that there was epistasis in the action of REC2 and RAD51 in certain repair and recombination functions, but some measure of independent action in other functions.

publication date

  • February 1, 1997



  • DNA Repair
  • DNA-Binding Proteins
  • Fungal Proteins
  • Ustilago


PubMed Central ID

  • PMC1207791

Scopus Document Identifier

  • 0031027345

Digital Object Identifier (DOI)

  • 10.1093/genetics/145.2.243

PubMed ID

  • 9071580

Additional Document Info


  • 145


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