Closure of upper extremity soft-tissue defects using the new "supra-crest" fasciocutaneous free flap.
A fasciocutaneous island (15 x 10 cm) can be elevated from the inferolateral abdominal wall in a region encompassing the iliac crest and extending to the lower costal margin. This new fasciocutaneous flap was named the "supra-crest flap," in accordance with its anatomic location and vascular pattern. The blood supply stems from the direct cutaneous branches of the lumbar arteries (L2-3), which pierce the abdominal musculature approximately 2.0 cm above the iliac crest in the midaxillary line. The arteries and two vena comitantes have an average external diameter of 2.0 mm, and their dissection can be extended deep into the iliac fosa to provide a pedicle 8 or more cm in length. Two cutaneous nerves accompany the lumbar arteries, furnishing the possibility of a sensate flap. These structures have been transferred as a free flap with the donor site concealed by conventional underwear and bathing suits. Additionally, this region could be harvested as an island flap wherein the arc of rotation may be sufficient to cover defects of the thoracic wall and lumbosacral regions.