Preoperative 5-fluorouracil and radiation therapy for locally advanced breast cancer.
Academic Article
BACKGROUND: Fifteen percent of breast cancer patients present with large tumors involving skin or chest wall. Often, surgery with primary wound closure is impossible. We used neoadjuvant chemoradiation in locally advanced breast cancer patients, in hopes of increasing resectability. METHODS: Eligible patients had locally advanced breast cancer deemed unresectable with primary wound closure. Patients received 8 weeks of infusional 5-fluorouracil (5-FU) 200 mg/m2 per day and radiation therapy to 50 Gy. Patients rendered resectable underwent modified radical mastectomy (MRM) followed up by chemotherapy. RESULTS: Of 30 evaluable patients, 73% had an objective clinical response. All were able to undergo MRM with primary wound closure; 63% had residual disease, 20% had minimal microscopic disease, and 17% had complete pathologic response. Treatment-related toxicity was minimal. Surgical morbidity was not increased. CONCLUSIONS: Infusional 5-FU with concomitant radiotherapy is well tolerated and effective at producing shrinkage in the majority of patients, converting inoperable breast cancer to easily resectable disease.