A child with presumptive monosomy 21 (45,XY,-21) in a family in which some members are Gq-.
Presumptive monosomy for chromosome 21 was found in a male child with multiple malformations and severe psychomotor retardation. Chromosome analyses of cells from blood and skin samples were performed at intervals during the first few years of his life. In preparations stained with nonbanding was well as quinacrine, Giemsa, and reverse acridine orange banding techniques, only one No. 21 chromosome could be detected with no apparent abnormalities of the other chromosomes. The proband's phenotypically normal father, paternal grandfather, brother, and paternal aunt have a deletion for a short segment of the long arm of a G-group chromosome. Genetic-marker studies allow the exclusion of a number of blood groups as being associated with No 21. There is inconclusive evidence suggesting that expression of the Duffy blood group, which has been mapped to chromosome 1, may be influenced by genetic information on chromosome 21. This family is of potential value for further gene-mapping studies.