Outbreak in a New York City teaching hospital burn center caused by the Iberian epidemic clone of MRSA.
Academic Article
During an 18-month period in a burn center (January 1995 through June 1996), 109 single-patient MRSA isolates were identified and 102 isolates (94%) were available for DNA fingerprinting. Ninety-nine isolates (97%) carried the mecA polymorph I and Tn554 type E. Pulsed-field electrophoresis (PFGE) identified 8 patterns, of which 60 isolates were of pattern F2. The I:E:F clonal type and a stable drug multidrug resistant phenotype (sensitivity only to trimethoprim/sulfamethoxazole and vancomycin) indicated that these isolates were closely related to the Iberian clone of MRSA, which is widely spread in Europe. The initial source of I:E:F isolates was sputum 49%, blood 23%, wound 16%, urine 7%, and intravascular catheter tip 5%. Fifty-four percent of patients had smoke inhalation injury, and 51/53 required intubation or tracheostomy. Forty-three isolates were considered invasive (positive blood culture). The overall mortality was 30%. Despite infection control measures, the I:E:F clone continued to be recovered from patients during the 18 months of study. This outbreak is the first known report of the Iberian MRSA clone in the United States.