publication venue for
- Neurophysiological abnormalities in adolescents with type I Crigler-Najjar syndrome. 1990
- Magnetic stimulation mapping of motor cortex: factors contributing to map area.. 109. 1998
- IFCN standards for digital recording of clinical EEG. International Federation of Clinical Neurophysiology.. 106. 1998
- Functional involvement of central nervous system in mitochondrial disorders.. 105. 1997
- Effects of nitrous oxide on electrocorticography during epilepsy surgery.. 102. 1997
- Spatial differences in the sites of direct and indirect activation of corticospinal neurones by magnetic stimulation.. 101. 1996
- Comparison of the magnetically mapped corticomotor representation of a muscle at rest and during low-level voluntary contraction.. 97. 1995
- The origin of the soleus late response evoked by magnetic stimulation of human motor cortex.. 97. 1995
- Propagation patterns of temporal spikes.. 94. 1995
- An investigation of the late excitatory potential in the hand following magnetic stimulation of the motor cortex.. 97. 1995
- A new statistic for steady-state evoked potentials.. 78. 1991
- Fluctuations of steady-state VEPs: interaction of driven evoked potentials and the EEG.. 78. 1991
- Quantitative EEG monitoring for patients with subarachnoid hemorrhage.. 78. 1991
- Source geometry and dynamics of the visual evoked potential.. 64. 1986
- Averaging, spatio-temporal mapping and dipole modelling of focal epileptic spikes.. 64. 1986
- Presaccadic spike potential. Relation to eye movement direction.. 64. 1986
- Dissociation of frontal N100 from occipital P100 in pattern reversal visual evoked potentials.. 65. 1986
- Real-time reconstruction of evoked potentials using a new two-dimensional filter method.. 62. 1985
- Cerebral events preceding self-paced and visually triggered saccades. A study of presaccadic potentials.. 62. 1985
- Cerebral potentials accompanying visually triggered finger movement in man.. 62. 1985
- Phase synchronized triggering: a method for coherent noise elimination in evoked potential recording.. 60. 1985
- Spatio-temporal mapping of evoked cerebral activity.. 59. 1984
- Source derivation: application to topographic mapping of visual evoked potentials.. 59. 1984
- Spinal and early scalp-recorded components of the somatosensory evoked potential following stimulation of the posterior tibial nerve.. 55. 1983
- Amine repletion in the reserpinized cat: effect upon PGO waves and REM sleep.. 42. 1977
- Waves associated with eye movement in the awake and sleeping cat.. 24. 1968
- Effect of bilateral optic nerve section on visual system monophasic wave activity in the cat.. 23. 1967
- Localization of the lateral geniculate nucleus monophasic waves associated with paradoxical sleep in the cat.. 23. 1967
- Some preliminary electrophysiological studies on chronic neuronally isolated cerebral cortex.. 9. 1957