publication venue for
- Accommodating multiple potential normalizations in microbiome associations studies.. 24. 2023
- gpps: an ILP-based approach for inferring cancer progression with mutation losses from single cell data.. 21. 2020
- Multi-task learning sparse group lasso: a method for quantifying antigenicity of influenza A(H1N1) virus using mutations and variations in glycosylation of Hemagglutinin.. 21. 2020
- Identifying novel associations in GWAS by hierarchical Bayesian latent variable detection of differentially misclassified phenotypes.. 21. 2020
- Statistical analysis of variability in TnSeq data across conditions using zero-inflated negative binomial regression.. 20. 2019
- BAMSE: Bayesian model selection for tumor phylogeny inference among multiple samples.. 20. 2019
- MATria: a unified centrality algorithm.. 20. 2019
- Predicting peptide presentation by major histocompatibility complex class I: an improved machine learning approach to the immunopeptidome.. 20. 2019
- Molecular dynamics and structure function analysis show that substrate binding and specificity are major forces in the functional diversification of Eqolisins.. 19. 2018
- A computational approach to identify cellular heterogeneity and tissue-specific gene regulatory networks.. 19. 2018
- BpWrapper: BioPerl-based sequence and tree utilities for rapid prototyping of bioinformatics pipelines.. 19. 2018
- Repositioning drugs by targeting network modules: a Parkinson's disease case study.. 18. 2017
- chngpt: threshold regression model estimation and inference.. 18. 2017
- pulver: an R package for parallel ultra-rapid p-value computation for linear regression interaction terms.. 18. 2017
- ATria: a novel centrality algorithm applied to biological networks.. 18. 2017
- ProteoModlR for functional proteomic analysis.. 18. 2017
- flippant-An R package for the automated analysis of fluorescence-based scramblase assays.. 18. 2017
- Negative binomial mixed models for analyzing microbiome count data.. 18. 2017
- Reference-free deconvolution of DNA methylation data and mediation by cell composition effects.. 17. 2016
- Implementation of a methodology for determining elastic properties of lipid assemblies from molecular dynamics simulations.. 17. 2016
- BADGE: a novel Bayesian model for accurate abundance quantification and differential analysis of RNA-Seq data.. 15 Suppl 9. 2014
- A generalizable NLP framework for fast development of pattern-based biomedical relation extraction systems.. 15. 2014
- On the potential of models for location and scale for genome-wide DNA methylation data.. 15. 2014
- A gene signature based method for identifying subtypes and subtype-specific drivers in cancer with an application to medulloblastoma.. 14 Suppl 18. 2013
- An optimized algorithm for detecting and annotating regional differential methylation.. 14 Suppl 5. 2013
- On the hypothesis-free testing of metabolite ratios in genome-wide and metabolome-wide association studies.. 13. 2012
- Mouse obesity network reconstruction with a variational Bayes algorithm to employ aggressive false positive control.. 13. 2012
- GC-content normalization for RNA-Seq data.. 12. 2011
- An integrated ChIP-seq analysis platform with customizable workflows.. 12. 2011
- Statistical Test of Expression Pattern (STEPath): a new strategy to integrate gene expression data with genomic information in individual and meta-analysis studies.. 12. 2011
- A novel approach to the clustering of microarray data via nonparametric density estimation.. 12. 2011
- eHive: an artificial intelligence workflow system for genomic analysis.. 11. 2010
- Odefy--from discrete to continuous models.. 11. 2010
- Conditional random pattern model for copy number aberration detection.. 11. 2010
- A variational Bayes algorithm for fast and accurate multiple locus genome-wide association analysis.. 11. 2010
- DISPARE: DIScriminative PAttern REfinement for Position Weight Matrices.. 10. 2009
- The ordering of expression among a few genes can provide simple cancer biomarkers and signal BRCA1 mutations.. 10. 2009
- A-MADMAN: annotation-based microarray data meta-analysis tool.. 10. 2009
- A comparison on effects of normalisations in the detection of differentially expressed genes.. 10. 2009
- Sequence based residue depth prediction using evolutionary information and predicted secondary structure.. 9. 2008
- Using iterative cluster merging with improved gap statistics to perform online phenotype discovery in the context of high-throughput RNAi screens.. 9. 2008
- Variable selection for large p small n regression models with incomplete data: mapping QTL with epistases.. 9. 2008
- Context based mixture model for cell phase identification in automated fluorescence microscopy.. 8. 2007
- Mining expressed sequence tags identifies cancer markers of clinical interest.. 7. 2006
- Determination of strongly overlapping signaling activity from microarray data.. 7. 2006
- Protein structure similarity from Principle Component Correlation analysis.. 7. 2006
- Phydbac "Gene Function Predictor": a gene annotation tool based on genomic context analysis.. 6. 2005
- Building a protein name dictionary from full text: a machine learning term extraction approach.. 6. 2005
- Discriminative topological features reveal biological network mechanisms.. 5. 2004
- SeqHound: biological sequence and structure database as a platform for bioinformatics research.. 3. 2002
- Kangaroo--a pattern-matching program for biological sequences.. 3. 2002
- Erratum to: Implementation of a methodology for determining elastic properties of lipid assemblies from molecular dynamics simulations.. 17. 2016
- Requirements and ontology for a G protein-coupled receptor oligomerization knowledge base.. 8. 2007