Increased dermal expression of platelet-derived growth factor receptors in growth-activated skin wounds and psoriasis.
Academic Article
Platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF) is a potent mitogenic and chemotactic factor for fibroblasts and other cell types. PDGF effects are mediated by binding of PDGF to dimeric PDGF receptors possessing intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity. We examined the expression pattern of PDGF receptors in cryostat sections of normal and growth-activated human skin using a monoclonal antibody, PR7212, specific for the beta subunit of the PDGF receptor. PDGF receptors were expressed at low levels in normal skin, with only occasional staining of dermal connective tissue cells. In contrast, PDGF receptor expression was greatly elevated in the dermis of growth-activated skin from 15 chronic wounds and 10 psoriatic lesions. PDGF receptors were increased in dermal fibroblasts and in dermal blood vessels in both conditions. Immunoblot analysis confirmed the increased expression of beta-subtype PDGF receptors in psoriatic lesional tissue. PDGF receptors were not detected in normal or growth-activated epidermis. Differential expression of PDGF receptors could regulate increased proliferation of vascular and connective tissue cells observed in psoriasis and chronic wounds.